Storyline rough draft
-you find rick gives you a portal gun then tell you to find emmet (doc from back to the future) to modify the portal gun to travel through time
-you find emmet who modifys your portal gun
-you then set off to find your friends
-you find yourself in marwolaeth(death in welsh) there is no time frames, it is a dark world with no npc's, the ground is covered in roots and dark soil with dark grey clouds that appear to be hovering just above your head, there are rotting bare weathered trees which some are just trunks while others hace twisted wicked branches.
-land of roaches (world populated by potheads (posers and wannabe stoners who make a extremely often unnessesaraly big deal out of anything weed the have no vurtues or personal values they smoke to be cool and are often douchebags to anyone new to smoking acting like they know everything about being a stoner and that they themselves are true stoners, they are stingy with there weed often jewing people if they sell, they dont smoke with anyone unless they get paid and insisting you smoke with them when you have weed. They often are weak minded and go through "withdrawal" when they dont have buds to which they become arrogant and ignorent to anyone around. They often waste weed and throw away there roaches thus giving it the name land of roaches)
An ambitious project
Sunday, June 12, 2016
Level 1 details
Treefer forest (world details)
Healing bowl (given to you by the guardian) (10% heath)
Forest herb (used with the healing bowel) (2%health)
Ancient herb (used with the healing bowel) (5% HEALTH)
Stick (crafting item for spear)
Stone (crafting item for spear)
Spear (can slash stab and be thrown to where the player must walk over the spear to pick it up) (upgradable)
Kukri knife (first melee weapon) (found after you place the skull on the altar)
Bow (save turok from the 6 allosaurs)
Beretta m9 (first gun) (found on corps on the map)
Stone of the ancients (defeat the guardian of the forest), one of 13 stones scattered throughout the game which when all have been collected unlock a "hidden world")
Morcel of meat (found on the map, give to the raptor to unlock raptor pack)
Ugly note (allows you to fight the hidden boss "mujungasaurus)
Large claw (allows you to fight hidden boss "megaraptor")
"The one" letter ( allows you to fight hidden boss "giganotosaurus")
Egg (hatches into a black and lime green trex) (defeat mantha to obtain)
Riddle challange (the Cheshire cat gives you a zombies easter egg style quest where he gives you various hints and riddles to which you must decifer and carry out various tasks, win and he will give you "the one" letter)
Hunter challange (past and present) (woodsman) (you must kill a certain number of every animal, complete past to get ugly note and finish it completely to unlock montha hidden boss in present)
Leader of the pack (befriend the raptor)
Rescue turok (save turok from the 6 allosaurs)
Honoring the dead (find the skull and place it on the altar, unlocks kukri knife)
Hidden bosses:
Mujungasaurus (obtain large claw)
Mantha (a smilodon nicknamed "terror" in chichewan, must complete hunter challenges will receive egg for defeating)
Modern dinosaur (a dinosaur that has survived to the present)(found at the sacred tree in the present)
Giganotosaurus (must obtain "the one" letter)
Guardian of the forest (much like the forest god of hellboy 2, must defeat all other hidden bosses, recieve stone of the ancients for defeating)
Healing bowl (given to you by the guardian) (10% heath)
Forest herb (used with the healing bowel) (2%health)
Ancient herb (used with the healing bowel) (5% HEALTH)
Stick (crafting item for spear)
Stone (crafting item for spear)
Spear (can slash stab and be thrown to where the player must walk over the spear to pick it up) (upgradable)
Kukri knife (first melee weapon) (found after you place the skull on the altar)
Bow (save turok from the 6 allosaurs)
Beretta m9 (first gun) (found on corps on the map)
Stone of the ancients (defeat the guardian of the forest), one of 13 stones scattered throughout the game which when all have been collected unlock a "hidden world")
Morcel of meat (found on the map, give to the raptor to unlock raptor pack)
Ugly note (allows you to fight the hidden boss "mujungasaurus)
Large claw (allows you to fight hidden boss "megaraptor")
"The one" letter ( allows you to fight hidden boss "giganotosaurus")
Egg (hatches into a black and lime green trex) (defeat mantha to obtain)
Riddle challange (the Cheshire cat gives you a zombies easter egg style quest where he gives you various hints and riddles to which you must decifer and carry out various tasks, win and he will give you "the one" letter)
Hunter challange (past and present) (woodsman) (you must kill a certain number of every animal, complete past to get ugly note and finish it completely to unlock montha hidden boss in present)
Leader of the pack (befriend the raptor)
Rescue turok (save turok from the 6 allosaurs)
Honoring the dead (find the skull and place it on the altar, unlocks kukri knife)
Hidden bosses:
Mujungasaurus (obtain large claw)
Mantha (a smilodon nicknamed "terror" in chichewan, must complete hunter challenges will receive egg for defeating)
Modern dinosaur (a dinosaur that has survived to the present)(found at the sacred tree in the present)
Giganotosaurus (must obtain "the one" letter)
Guardian of the forest (much like the forest god of hellboy 2, must defeat all other hidden bosses, recieve stone of the ancients for defeating)
Level 1 plot
Treefer Forest storyline
The five friends apear in the treefer forest, when a black mist forms and two men walk out (the masked man and a man in a overcoat type suit (pain who has the personality of heath ledgars joker)) "you will all die" the masked man states (a black mist envelopes bud, kingston, chad, and shay jeff) pain laughing maniacally as the four disappear leaving the players character alone in the treefer forest. The two men then disappear once more in a black mist. The guardian then appears and gives you your first weapon ( the "sword of stoned" which can slash, stab and shoot a lime green beam much like chidori stream from naruto). As the player advances through the treefer forest you see only gentle herbavores (tye dye deer, purple rabbits, and yellow squirrels) but as you go deeper you soon encounter a seemingly non theatening sauripod (long necked dinosaur)(the player has been sent back into the treefer forests past), which as the player gets closer the sauripod reaveals a massive jaw with razor sharp teeth, one long claw on each front foot and a spiked tail(carnivorus sauripod boss). The sauripod then becomes enraged and charges the player begining the first boss battle. The player then continues the journey encountering various characters along the way until he comes across a man trapped under a log (ashido from bleach), after freeing him he states "run you must get out of here" (a thunderous sound grows louder) "now its comming" ashido says (out of the shadows a jurassic park style t rex appears much like in jurassic world) ashido leaps toward the rex screaming "run!" As the rex head butts him out of the battlefield leaving our player to take on the rex. During the fight the player is thrown against a tree dazing the player. As the rex lunges for a final blow ashido appears and slashes the rexes eye causing a scar and while distracted in pain the two make there excape. (Ashido then becomes an npc for the rest of the level) when they reach safty ashido states "so your looking for a man named rick?" "I don't know of him but I know someone who mite" "however we will need to go to the "sacred tree"". The two then make there way toward the sacred tree when during a brief moment of rest the scared rex appears and chases them off of a cliff. They land in what appears to be a nest, there they find a baby triceratops who startled yelps in distress. A fully grown triceratops then appears and a boss battle ensues. They then continue there journey to the sacred tree where they find the Cheshire cat (from alice in wonderland) who state "if rick you must find than you must know the time" "find the cave of truth there you will find your proof" (Cheshire cat pointing in a specific direction). Ashido and the player then head toward the cave but as they approach the scared rex then appears once more blocking the cave enterance. a boss battle ensues ending with the rexes apparent death (though the mask man brings him back in a later level for one final boss battle). After defeating the rex they enter the cave where they find a purplely electrical portal (similar to the terminator). The two enter the portal and find themselves in the same exact cave and as they walk out of the cave realize that they were in the past. The Cheshire cat then appears and says "you must find squanchy (from rick and morty) he will know" "i will take you to the portal but that is all". After a short goodbye from ashido the player then heads into the portal to the next level.
The five friends apear in the treefer forest, when a black mist forms and two men walk out (the masked man and a man in a overcoat type suit (pain who has the personality of heath ledgars joker)) "you will all die" the masked man states (a black mist envelopes bud, kingston, chad, and shay jeff) pain laughing maniacally as the four disappear leaving the players character alone in the treefer forest. The two men then disappear once more in a black mist. The guardian then appears and gives you your first weapon ( the "sword of stoned" which can slash, stab and shoot a lime green beam much like chidori stream from naruto). As the player advances through the treefer forest you see only gentle herbavores (tye dye deer, purple rabbits, and yellow squirrels) but as you go deeper you soon encounter a seemingly non theatening sauripod (long necked dinosaur)(the player has been sent back into the treefer forests past), which as the player gets closer the sauripod reaveals a massive jaw with razor sharp teeth, one long claw on each front foot and a spiked tail(carnivorus sauripod boss). The sauripod then becomes enraged and charges the player begining the first boss battle. The player then continues the journey encountering various characters along the way until he comes across a man trapped under a log (ashido from bleach), after freeing him he states "run you must get out of here" (a thunderous sound grows louder) "now its comming" ashido says (out of the shadows a jurassic park style t rex appears much like in jurassic world) ashido leaps toward the rex screaming "run!" As the rex head butts him out of the battlefield leaving our player to take on the rex. During the fight the player is thrown against a tree dazing the player. As the rex lunges for a final blow ashido appears and slashes the rexes eye causing a scar and while distracted in pain the two make there excape. (Ashido then becomes an npc for the rest of the level) when they reach safty ashido states "so your looking for a man named rick?" "I don't know of him but I know someone who mite" "however we will need to go to the "sacred tree"". The two then make there way toward the sacred tree when during a brief moment of rest the scared rex appears and chases them off of a cliff. They land in what appears to be a nest, there they find a baby triceratops who startled yelps in distress. A fully grown triceratops then appears and a boss battle ensues. They then continue there journey to the sacred tree where they find the Cheshire cat (from alice in wonderland) who state "if rick you must find than you must know the time" "find the cave of truth there you will find your proof" (Cheshire cat pointing in a specific direction). Ashido and the player then head toward the cave but as they approach the scared rex then appears once more blocking the cave enterance. a boss battle ensues ending with the rexes apparent death (though the mask man brings him back in a later level for one final boss battle). After defeating the rex they enter the cave where they find a purplely electrical portal (similar to the terminator). The two enter the portal and find themselves in the same exact cave and as they walk out of the cave realize that they were in the past. The Cheshire cat then appears and says "you must find squanchy (from rick and morty) he will know" "i will take you to the portal but that is all". After a short goodbye from ashido the player then heads into the portal to the next level.
Plot 1
Opening scene
There are 5 (chad(who is a jack of all trades stoner who is extremly insitfull and resourceful) bud (who is a stoner with a rough upbringing and he struggles with his demons but is the most compassionate of the group) kingston (he has is your typical dredd lock stoner, he believes in equality in all forms of life and strives to maintain calm atmosphere at all times, he is the one who always knows what to say and is the wisest of the group) shady jeff (hes extremly loyal and will if he likes you have your back till his very death nicknamed "shady jeff" due to his general unpridictability and quiet nature as well as his sly tendancies to be covert and can sneek up on anyone) (5th being the silent main protaganist of the player customizable character) friends gather in a basment, they sit in a circle. There preparing to smoke a bong. (earlier that day bud was walking when he stumbled across a lime green stone which had sediments in them that formed a stange pattern. thinkinking the stone was cool put the stone in his pocket.) All of a sudden a man evaporates out of thin air in a light black mist (much like obito uchiha of naruto) he is dressed in black and has a mask on. "Who are you" kingston asks, too which there is no reply. the masked man then rushes bud with increadible speed and grabs him by the neck hoisting him off the ground. he reaches into buds pocket and pulls out the stone. he throws bud accross the room and vanishes once again in a light black mist. minutes later a huge dense mass of weed like smoke with an angelic white glow forms out of this smoke apears a man dressed in a tye dye cloak (tommy chong), " i am the guardian of the sacred smoke", " I have come to show you 5 your destiny as only you can stop the man with the mask and his ambition to rule all that is possible to comprehend" "for that man plans to amass the darkness of all dimensions and time" "with that stone the stone of the fallen he now has the power to control anyone he chooses and have them bend to his will", "you must unlock the powers within you that lay dormant" "you must learn the stoners code and become true stoners", "however this is not something that can be taught, it must be learned" "however as in all things it is down to choice, for if you choose go on a journey of self where you must find the essance of your being" "so now let your souls guide you to the answer you seek" (a short pause of thought "i accept" says kingston, "yea man" says chad, "yes" says bud, shady jeff nods his head with a look of complete determination", character nods) the guardian forms a cloud which opens up into a portal "you must find the one who can create you a means of traveling from different dimensions and times" "i can not tell you where you must follow your gut" "the only help i can give you is that his name is rick"(rick sanches (rick and morty)), "this portal will take you to the the treefer forest which he has been known to frequent" " now go and begin this journey of self and save life itself from the hands of darkness" "the 5 friends go through the portal to there unknown fate.
There are 5 (chad(who is a jack of all trades stoner who is extremly insitfull and resourceful) bud (who is a stoner with a rough upbringing and he struggles with his demons but is the most compassionate of the group) kingston (he has is your typical dredd lock stoner, he believes in equality in all forms of life and strives to maintain calm atmosphere at all times, he is the one who always knows what to say and is the wisest of the group) shady jeff (hes extremly loyal and will if he likes you have your back till his very death nicknamed "shady jeff" due to his general unpridictability and quiet nature as well as his sly tendancies to be covert and can sneek up on anyone) (5th being the silent main protaganist of the player customizable character) friends gather in a basment, they sit in a circle. There preparing to smoke a bong. (earlier that day bud was walking when he stumbled across a lime green stone which had sediments in them that formed a stange pattern. thinkinking the stone was cool put the stone in his pocket.) All of a sudden a man evaporates out of thin air in a light black mist (much like obito uchiha of naruto) he is dressed in black and has a mask on. "Who are you" kingston asks, too which there is no reply. the masked man then rushes bud with increadible speed and grabs him by the neck hoisting him off the ground. he reaches into buds pocket and pulls out the stone. he throws bud accross the room and vanishes once again in a light black mist. minutes later a huge dense mass of weed like smoke with an angelic white glow forms out of this smoke apears a man dressed in a tye dye cloak (tommy chong), " i am the guardian of the sacred smoke", " I have come to show you 5 your destiny as only you can stop the man with the mask and his ambition to rule all that is possible to comprehend" "for that man plans to amass the darkness of all dimensions and time" "with that stone the stone of the fallen he now has the power to control anyone he chooses and have them bend to his will", "you must unlock the powers within you that lay dormant" "you must learn the stoners code and become true stoners", "however this is not something that can be taught, it must be learned" "however as in all things it is down to choice, for if you choose go on a journey of self where you must find the essance of your being" "so now let your souls guide you to the answer you seek" (a short pause of thought "i accept" says kingston, "yea man" says chad, "yes" says bud, shady jeff nods his head with a look of complete determination", character nods) the guardian forms a cloud which opens up into a portal "you must find the one who can create you a means of traveling from different dimensions and times" "i can not tell you where you must follow your gut" "the only help i can give you is that his name is rick"(rick sanches (rick and morty)), "this portal will take you to the the treefer forest which he has been known to frequent" " now go and begin this journey of self and save life itself from the hands of darkness" "the 5 friends go through the portal to there unknown fate.
Basic summary
The plot is about five friends who travel throughout diffrent dimensions and time frames of those dimensions. As the story progresses the friends slowly learn how to obtain inner peace and how to better themselves while each facing there own respected demons
An ambitious project
Pardon the spelling and mannor in which it was writen but i speak in such a way that it mite be confusing but stick with it to the end, as i you will only be able to get the point if you finish as this not a simple story but a very complex tale where i will attempt to be as simple and easy to understand as I can
Im going to get to the point... since the age of 15 when i first saw what I would call modern graphics and im not talking "hd", im talking of two specific genre's and two diffrent specific games but before I get to that I must tell you about my lifes ambition and how it began. Now my first system was a sega genisis [[ i have to veer off coarse for a minute now my very fist passion was dinosaurs. i could pronounce and spell parsarolophus before anyone around me could spell one cylible and im not being vien in the slightest. But i wanted to be a palentologist <which for along time thought was archeologists>. Any ways my favorite movie was from the second i layed eyes on it "jurassic park", i wached it like kids today watch spongebob lmao. But i was so facinated and captivated by the realism, <not to mention its the first time anyone was ever able to say yes ive seen a dinosaur> but i have a life long love for the jp trex, i consider it to be the most accurate depiction of what a tyrannosaurus would look like the stunning attention to every bump and the distinctive scaled lips which could acctually bring expression to this creature which gave him a personality, but most importantly ive seen it so many time that in there entirely[excluding jurassic world] i have memorized every frame to the point I started noticing some really cool things, because I spent hours researching anything I could on dinosaurs and was able to accuratly picture a perfect tyrannosaur skeleton, so and i've seen that jp trex so many times i was accurately able to put that skeleton so well that trex I started noticing mucle mass which then allowed me to see just how natural every motion was.]] point being it gave me two things that would form the basis of whats to come 1. A love for 3d graphic <and i didnt notice for a long time that there basically game graphics> 2. A stunning taste in realistic graphics ]] now this is where the sega genisis comes back, so my first game was what do you know "JURASSIC PARK" , now i really was fucking shitty at it but i remember i turned it on and chose to start as grant instead of the raptor <which id rather have been a dinosaur than a human but i knew that grant would with almost 100 percent certainty sometime during the game run into a trex> and the first level i play is the imfamous rafting level which is a random level that can appear instead of level 1. And what do ya know there was a trex. Anyways this gave me my first inspirations to play a realistic 3d open world version of jurassic park with a realistic 3d trex who could move just as naturally as the real thing with enough detail that he could have those lips and be able to have its own personality, and grant I wanted to be 3d but att the sametime be able to look down the sights of a realistic gun <which in gaming is impossible as you cannot have a 1st person and 3rd person at the same time> and able to roam around the world freely and the items would be hidden well enough that you had to look around the world and the boss battle between the two wasnt confined but the rex would walk walk openly and thoughout the world you were literally stumbling accross the rex, and there was natural movememts of the rex were like cinimatics but real time reflexes, and the rex was cappable of being clever and accuratly react to your movements, and the boss battle is not super hard but challenges you enough that you must master doging attacks by moving, being accurate with your arsenal <any usable item includeing your weapon>
them i imagined its not just a trex but a realistic prehistoric enviorment with a whole ecosystem of various dinosaurs with herds and loaners and herd dinosaurs that would be loaners and loaner carnivors who sometimes gather together an form packs , then i thought what if there were secret bosses that you had to do something unique to get to that boss that involed searching around the map with no leads. ]] I will now go back to those two games of diffrent genere but both gave me a standard of modern graphics the first being metal gear solid snake eater and the second being call of duty world at war both having made various crucial steps in begining my vision. As the years have past as game after game each improving upon specific qualities <such as doom to doom 4 and finally a system capable of sustaining not only the graphics but shear scale of what i want to accomplish.
Now that you know a bit of backround heres what this blog is all about, I am going to make a game that would change the very nature of games and push it from honestly creative but alot of times poorly thought out games due to deadlines so they never really become real games as they never really get thorough thought its always rushed in some manner. I am dedicating my life to two goals as of now creating my vision of a perfect game (which im sure i cannot realease publically due to it will be a privately owned non prophet home made if you will game as it will have so many copyrited characters i would be in jail for life with copyright infraction fines however i would like to try to come up with a video walkthrough for prophet which i can then hand out percentages of each sale as revinue. The second is make a completly original version which can be released for public enjoyment. Now both these games are going to be true stoner games meaning they will be capable of creating anything you could possibly disire as there are no set rules and you can create an incredible storyline as its all up to whatever you can think of you can break any rules and litterally put anything in it.
So I am asking that you send me your ideas of trippy things and your every dream tell me what you always wanted in a video game and if your thinking hell no why dont you come up with your own ideas, theres some points im going to make, look back and see that originally "my dream" was to play a game like that not make it and thats a big difference as when your forced to make a game you never get to truly enjoy it as theres no twists or turns or the joy of playing a game just iching with anticipation to get further and further into the plot because you know the story inside and out that is the gift i want to leave in this world a game that takes the dreams of all anyone could possibly want in a game. The two games will be a min of 50 hrs and with the final stage of my project being forming a gaming company so i can register to make ps3 games as well as reseive the source code.
Now as far as my game goes im most likly going to have to do everything myself as i doubt i could get roughly 100 people just animating 3d models but i plan to take all the ideas of all the people i can possibly find and create a uniqe story that literally has a little bit of everyone in it but know that im am the one burdened to know all the twists as i may take an idea exactly how it is or i mite mix it with my own ideas, or take two different ideas and mash them together thats the thing that will make everything in it truly epic and satisfying is that there will be a game that is trully made from everyone oh yea and copyrites do not apply as if you say you want a darth vadar riding a charizard i can flip that and make a black and lime green color dragon in the style of charizard and a man in black who has some kind of mask a deep thunderous voice a plasma sword and psychic telechineces and no one can do shit so dont let that stop you. I am going to follow up this tweet with the basis plot of both creations as well as my personal drafts for my personal version
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