Sunday, June 12, 2016

Plot rough draft

Storyline rough draft

-you find rick gives you a portal gun then tell you to find emmet (doc from back to the future) to modify the portal gun to travel through time

-you find emmet who modifys your portal gun

-you then set off to find your friends

-you find yourself in marwolaeth(death in welsh) there is no time frames, it is a dark world with no npc's, the ground is covered in roots and dark soil with dark grey clouds that appear to be hovering just above your head, there are rotting bare weathered trees which some are just trunks while others hace twisted wicked branches.

-land of roaches (world populated by potheads (posers and wannabe stoners who make a extremely often unnessesaraly big deal out of anything weed the have no vurtues or personal values they smoke to be cool and are often douchebags to anyone new to smoking acting like they know everything about being a stoner and that they themselves are true stoners, they are stingy with there weed often jewing people if they sell, they dont smoke with anyone unless they get paid and insisting you smoke with them when you have weed. They often are weak minded and go through "withdrawal" when they dont have buds to which they become arrogant and ignorent to anyone around. They often waste weed and throw away there roaches thus giving it the name land of roaches)

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